The region’s largest trade event for the project cargo & breakbulk industry

Student Poster Competition


Student Research Poster Competition

Breakbulk Americas will host the annual Student Research Poster Competition this fall in Houston. All posters must be submitted prior to midnight (USA Central Time), Thursday, September 26, 2024. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students to contribute to research related to global capital projects and ports, gain recognition from industry partners, and expand your network.

Competition Registration

Undergraduate students from local universities including: University of Houston, Texas A & M Galveston, Texas Southern University, Lamar University, Sam Houston State, Rice University, HCC, San Jacinto College, Lone Star College who are studying supply chain/logistics, maritime, or transportation are encouraged to participate in the poster competition.

  • Students must register for the competition prior to September 26, 2024. Only 1 student submits the form for the whole team.


Students must have accurately completed the registration form with all team member names, faculty advisor, industry advisor and university/college. Valid email and cell phone numbers of team lead must be on the form. All must be spelled correctly on form as there is no ability for Breakbulk Americas Team to edit.

  • Team size is maximum 5 students and minimum 3 students.

  • Masters and Ph.D. students may not submit posters to this competition.

  • All students entering the competition are required to register for and attend Education Day and the awards ceremony on Thursday October 17, 2024. There is no charge for students to attend the conference. A minimum of 1 student team member must register and attend. Preference is for entire team. Please contact your professor to register.

Submit Poster

  • Students will be sent a unique link for their poster submission following registration.

  • Students must submit their posters to this link or to [email protected] prior to midnight on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

  • Posters must be submitted as a PowerPoint or PDF. Preference is PowerPoint.

  • Students submitting via SharePoint/One Drive/Google Docs will be disqualified if permission to download and edit has not been granted on submission.

Topic Areas

The Breakbulk Americas team invites students to submit posters of their research in one of the following topic areas:

  • Global Capital Projects

  • Sustainability & Energy Transition

  • Port Infrastructure

While these topics reflect the agenda for the Breakbulk Americas Conference, the contest will consider submissions that focus on other areas related to global capital projects. Get inspired for ideas via the Breakbulk Home Page ( Be sure to check out the Media tab and review Industry News, Breakbulk magazine, and BreakbulkONE.


Faculty Advisors: You will need to find faculty advisor(s) to assist you with your project. A minimum of 1 faculty advisor is required. A maximum of 3 advisors is allowed.

Industry Advisor: You will also need to find an Industry Advisor to support you with your project. A minimum of 1 industry advisor is required. A maximum of 3 advisors is allowed. If you are struggling to find an advisor, please contact the content organizers (details at the bottom of this page).

Research Expectations

Posters will depict research performed by student teams and incorporate a faculty advisor and industry advisor. The research may include interviews, literature reviews, an explanation of emerging technology, policy analysis, case study or other relevant topics focused on global capital projects.

Poster research will identify a gap or problem area, evaluate possible solutions or way ahead, and outline future actions, policy steps, or research needed for continued advancement.


Evaluation Criteria

The contest judges will evaluate the posters using the following criteria, with each item assigned a score of 1-5.

Poster Format Rules

Poster size must be 40 inches width x 25.5 inches height.

Poster presentations typically include a mix of text, graphics, data, images, and other material to illustrate the area of interest. Visual appeal and creativity in format are important in helping others understand your research.

In addition to the title and research content, your poster should include the name of the author(s), faculty advisor(s), industry advisor(s), and the name of your college, university, or other institution.
Posters that alter side header (except information requested above) or bottom header (sponsor logos) will be disqualified. 

Posters that have been copied and pasted from Canva or other software as a JPEG or any photo format will be disqualified. The printer cannot use this format as it pixilates. Teams must build project on template and save as 1 single PowerPoint slide. All teams are encouraged to use grid lines to develop project and then remove on final save.

Poster submissions must use the template provided. To download the Student Research Poster template, please click on the button below:

  • The poster template side header and footer cannot be altered in terms of scale on poster.

  • Note the footer is only for poster competition sponsor. No text should be next to or below the sponsor logo in the footer.

  • University/College name should be spelled out on side header with title, students, faculty advisor, and industry advisor.

  • Poster size is 40 inches width x 25.5 inches height. We recommend use of grid lines when formatting poster and then remove prior to submitting.

  • Do not copy and paste diagrams, charts, graphs from the internet to the poster as they will appear blurred. Create your own.

  • Posters must have a short reference section. Students can create and use QR Code below references to save space and to link to references.

Professor Kidd will be hosting 2 to 3 poster workshops late August – early September on Saturday morning at UH Sugar Land. Date and Time TBA and will be posted on this page.

Presentation of Posters

  • The Conference Chairs for the Student Research Poster Competition will display top 20 poster submissions on the Breakbulk Americas website or flickr account by Thursday, October 10, 2024.

  • The finalists and top-ranking posters will be displayed at Breakbulk Americas.


The authors of the top 3 submissions will receive a prize and an award during an awards ceremony and 6 teams will receive an Honourable Mention Certificate on the Breakbulk Americas Main Stage on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 12:45pm.

Questions about the Student Research Poster Competition?

Please contact:

Margaret Kidd, Competition Chair: [email protected]
Olivia Stephenson, Content Producer: [email protected]