After-party at The Rustic
**This was held at Breakbulk Americas 2024 which is now over. Register your interest for 2025**

Keep the party going at The Rustic after the Welcome Reception!
Join us at The Rustic immediately following the Welcome Reception, just steps away from George R. Brown Convention Center!
Enjoy live music, food, drinks and line dancing for a true Texas experience. The Rustic After-party is included in your Breakbulk Americas pass.
If you already have your Breakbulk Americas pass, please confirm your attendance when you receive your networking add-on email.
If you have not yet bought your pass, be sure to check The Rustic After-party in the add-on list to confirm your attendance.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Main Sponsor: Port Houston Co-Sponsor: Swan Transportation

New Sponsorship Opportunities!
Add your branding to this popular event by becoming a co-sponsor. There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available - fill out the form and let us know!
2023 Gallery
More Ways to Network

Women in Breakbulk Lounge
New for this year, a place for women to network and hold meetings. All-access pass $20 includes reception on Tuesday evening, and breakfast, lunch and snacks on Wednesday and Thursday during the show. Find out more
Round Tables
Continue the discussions after selected Main Stage sessions with small group round tables featuring expert panelists. Find out more